Purposeful Selling unlocks the truth of a company’s authentic value proposition and creates brand stories that engage ideal customers. When it’s right, business owners experience a quantifiable improvement in financial results and start attracting more aligned opportunities. A power value proposition opens doors quickly and helps the business stand out in a crowded market. You really can have it all – a business you enjoy, working with people you like and appreciated for the value delivered to customers served and communities supported.
Authentic Value Proposition, Purposeful Selling, Better Sales Results, Brand Storytelling, Family-business values, Business model regeneration, value proposition design, values-based content creation, improve SMB sales results, value creation approaches, small business sales coaching, service-based small businesses, living by values, values-driven businesses, successful small businesses, a better business model, sales-driven culture, customer experience design, brand stories, authentic storytelling and brand building
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  • Brand Strategy Development

  • If a company wants to deliver a quality product or a safe and reliable service, it’s likely they’re not going to be the lowest price.  Many family-owned businesses have good business models and know how to deliver value but they end up competing on price.  When it’s not clear why your product or service represents superior value to the competition, buyers will either go with the best-known/category leader or the cheapest alternative.  Why pay more if it’s all the same?


    The essence of a brand strategy answers the question – what customers find important and why they choose to work with a company.  It’s a compelling story that helps customers see how they achieve their business objectives and will receive meaningful outcomes they care about.  For small businesses, brand strategy is an optimal way to differentiate their offering and defend its value from the pricing pressure of a competitive marketplace.  Because customers with an emotional connection to a company, tend to be more loyal and valuable over time, brand strategy represents an investment in an appreciable asset for the business.


    Typical Deliverables Include:

    • Defining Ideal Customer & Target Market profiles
    • Market Research & Competitor Analysis
    • Creating Value Proposition & Brand Story content for website
    • Develop SEO Keywords & Website Lead Approach
    • Consulting in Value-Added Selling Principles & Negotiation Strategies


    Projects starting at $3,500.00

  • Sales-as-Service Engagements

  • Despite rising complexity in the world, the selling equation is simple. Customers have pain and problems. They want value-driven solutions that deliver better outcomes than they can generate by doing nothing. Owners are often surprised by the difference a thoughtful brand strategy and defined sales process can make in the fortunes of their business. Sometimes additional support is required for customer acquisition campaigns, prospect qualification, implementing solution selling and network development. Sales-as-a-Service focuses on the right type of productive activity to build pipeline and deliver a steady stream of ideal customers.


    When competing alternatives are similar, or perceived as the same, delivering a superior sales experience focused on value, insight and expertise can be differentiation that enables a business to win. By helping customers think differently about how to address issues they are facing and capitalize on opportunities they haven’t considered, the sales process itself becomes a source of value. Leverage our expert resources to help you open doors, start conversations, close better business, and develop long-term, loyal customer relationships. With or without existing prospect lists, the selection of profitable prospect segments is a guiding concern. 


    Together we customize a strategy that leverages business strengths and make the most of the opportunities available in the markets served. Typical improvement in pipeline volume and velocity occurs within three months.


    Financial investment from $5,000.00

  • Brand Development through Content Creation

  • The simplest way to build a connection with an ideal customer is by using storytelling as part of the content marketing strategy. Authentic brand stories make your business memorable and helps the intended audience to perceive the company as credible and trustworthy. The people we’re trying to reach, influence, inspire and persuade want relevant information that saves them time, educates them on why we’re worthy options and makes them think better of our brands. Quality content represents an appreciable brand asset that continues to deliver value as the company’s reputation grows.


    The promise of the digital age was we’d be able to reach everyone and capture attention for next to nothing. Over time and through hard-won experience, we’ve learned there are few shortcuts to building trust. Unfortunately, the market is littered with SEO schlock with its desperately aggressive, not particularly original, value-capture approach. Relevant content is a worthy investment that moves prospects from consideration to action and engenders the development of long-term customer relationships.


    What content exists to attract and engage ideal customer segments?


    What content is being used to follow-up with inbound leads?


    How is the company, products and services positioned in the market and with respect to competitors? 


    What content is available to move the prospects through the buying journey?


    Brands that empower their customers deliver know-how and thought leadership resources that educate and inform buying decisions. Purposeful Selling helps clients achieve better brand recognition, generating higher sales with better customers and secures better outcomes for end-users. Our content is designed to foster trust with thoughtful, industry-relevant subject matter experience. And in the end, happy customers always tell our best brand stories. 


    Frequently requested content support: Prospect letters, Email templates, Outbound calling scripts, Trade Show presentations, website articles and 30-second company introductions (aka infomercials).


    Branded Content from $750.00